
The Best in Mining & Civil Technology

Rajant’s industrial wireless mesh networks bring mission-critical connectivity to underground mines without the need for fiber throughout most of your mine. Save significant OPEX and maintenance costs while adding more network capacity and mobility for capabilities beyond what fiber can effectively support.

Underground mines and tunnels are some of the most challenging environments in which to deploy network systems. Connectivity and throughput demands are high, but circular ramps and declines, stopes, and mine layout place limitations on how far wireless signals can travel. Many mines, therefore, depend on fiber to achieve reliable underground communications, but installing fiber in active drives, panels and declines is difficult to schedule and can create operational and maintenance nightmares.

In addition, development plus drill and blast areas can rarely support any fiber infrastructure. It is not uncommon for trucks to accidentally catch and rip down sections of fiber and when that happens connectivity across the entire underground mine can be lost.

Enter Rajant Kinetic Mesh Breadcrumbs.

Rajant’s traditional single radio wireless systems through the use of multi-radio, multi-frequency BreadCrumb® nodes, and Rajant’s patented InstaMesh® networking software.

Anyone can do wireless and many more network providers can handle static environments.

Rajant’s patented Kinetic Mesh® network, BreadCrumb® wireless nodes, and InstaMesh® networking software do connectivity differently. When mission-critical communication matters and zero-downtime, autonomous performance is demanded, Rajant has the solution and SmartTech has the avenue to get you there.

“With the greater safety, efficiency, and autonomy this underground network provides, it can support lifesaving as well as asset-protecting technologies within extreme hazardous mine environment.”  

-Rajant’s EVP of Sales & Marketing Geoff Smith,

“The multi-radio Rajant BreadCrumbs allowed us to cascade several radios together wirelessly while maintaining max throughput and minimal latency at two underground mines in Mexico”

-Matco, CAT

Categories: Rajant


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